Monday, February 6, 2012

Hamlet faces his mother

When Gertrude tells Hamlet that he has offended his father, Hamlet gets very angry, since the man his mother terms to be his father is actually his father's killer and his uncle.  Hamlet blames his mother as being equally guilty.  When he hears a noise, he shoots Polonius, who dies almost instantly.  It was a very dramatic moment, since Polonius was hiding behind a glass door, so the bullet that took his life shattered the mirror.

The ghost appears to Hamlet and tells him to leave his mother alone.  Gertrude cannot see the ghost, and thinks that Hamlet is hallucinating.  The look that the ghost gives Hamlet is full of pity and disappointment.  I feel sorry for Hamlet.  Even though his father wants Hamlet to avenge his death, Hamlet receives no help nor encouragement from the ghost.  If anything, the ghost manages to torment him even more.

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