Monday, February 6, 2012

Update on Learning Outcomes

There are five learning outcomes for my Shakespeare class, and I would like to take some time to evaluate how I have worked to reach those goals.
1. Gain Shakespeare Literacy
     I have read many different genres of Shakespeare plays, and learned a bit about Shakespeare's background.  So far, I feel like I have done fairly well with this one.
2. Analyze Shakespeare Critically
     While reading the plays, I have been able to make connections and see ways in which Shakespeare can cross different times and places.  I also went to see a play, and wrote an analysis on that.  Finally, I plan to watch Hamlet, and blog about that experience.
3. Engage Shakespeare Creatively
    So far, I have read parts of the plays to myself, and have worked on ways to improve my dramatic readings.  I also want to make a soundtrack for Hamlet.  Hopefully today :D
4. Share Shakespeare Meaningfully
    Well, I have talked to my aunt, a big Shakespeare fan, about things I have learned from reading the plays.  I have also talked to random people at work and at the bus stop about Shakespeare.  It is amazing to see how many people are familiar with it.  Finally, I have used my blog posts to share Shakespeare.
5. Gain Digital Literacy
     I have learned how to blog, and I will be using Skype to talk to my teacher.  I have also found video clips and added them into my blog.  The class itself is done through digital conferencing.  Ovearll, I have become much more comfortable with these aspects of technology.

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